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It's a Wonderful Day in the Neighbourhood: Tips on how to be a Good Neighbour

Tuesday, 5 September 2023

Good Neighbours Build Strong Neighbourhoods Good Neighbours Build Strong Neighbourhoods

We’ve all heard horror stories of those “Bad Neighbours.” The ones who are too loud, the ones who have an unruly lawn, or the ones who never returned that snow shovel they borrowed. Bad neighbours can make the most perfect house seem not so perfect. It’s always a good idea to do a few drive bys in a neighbourhood and have your REALTOR(R) ask the current owners about the neighbours. If you want to make sure you're being a good neighbour here's some tips you can follow.


Too much noise is one of the number #1 complaint about “Bad Neighbours.” 

  • No one expects you to be quiet as a mouse, but you should try to be respectful. A lot depends on where you live, what type of dwelling you occupy, and the habits of your neighbours. Noise acceptability on a street filled with young families is different from an apartment building occupied by single twenty-somethings. Here are some simple noise guidelines to follow.  If you live in an apartment building, try not to yell in the hallways. Avoid noisy projects like hammering a nail on a common wall that you share with the apartment next door late at night. It can wait until the next day.


  • Try and wait until at least 10 a.m. to mow your lawn in the morning. If you’re like me, your neighbours might like to get a little extra sleep on the weekends. 
  • Sitting outside on a warm summer night with your spouse or friend is wonderful, but if your house is on a small lot and the neighbour’s bedroom window is close, try not to hold a long conversation on the back porch too late. Take it inside so your neighbour can sleep.
  • Avoid unnecessary noise from any source from late-night hours to early morning hours.


Some “Golden Rules” to follow. Remember, these are people you are likely to see every day, or at least fairly often. Theses tips will help you stay on their good side.

  • Observe and respect your neighbour’s personal space.

  • Be mindful if you borrow anything. Return the item immediately after using it. If you break

  • the item, pay to fix it or replace it.
  • Don’t be the neighbourhood gossip.

  • If you have an issue with a neighbour, go directly to that person and discuss it calmly.

  • Not everyone is a dog or cat lover, so show responsibility for your pets. Keep them off the neighbour’s lawn and pick up after them.

  • Remember your neighbours during the holidays with a card or small homemade gift and don't expect anything in return.Enjoy the act of giving.

  • If you and a neighbour have a misunderstanding, make an extra effort to make things right by shaking hands and at least being on friendly terms.

  • If your neighbourhood has a homeowners association, know the rules and follow them.


A good neighbour is one who maintains the exterior of the house and lawn to the same level as the rest of the neighbourhood. Basic exterior maintenance tips include:

  • Mow the lawn.

  • Remove mould from the exterior walls and paint when necessary.

  • Make sure that trees, shrubs, and other elements don’t creep into your neighbour’s yard. This includes tree limbs, spreading shrubs, and weeds.

  • Remove all bicycles, skateboards, and toys from the front yard at the end of the day.


You might be a party animal, and that’s just fine as long as you don’t intrude or impose on your neighbours. An occasional late-night blast might be forgiven, but all-night parties every single weekend can make you a rude neighbour. Follow these neighbourly party rules:

  • Ask your guests to park in the driveway or in front of your house. Make sure they don’t block someone else’s driveway or use another resident's designated spot in an apartment complex lot.

  • Obey noise ordinance laws. If a neighbour calls or comes over and asks you to pipe down, be friendly and apologize. Then quiet down.


Make a new family feel welcome by stopping by for a friendly introduction.

  • Introduce yourself as soon as you can. Give the new neighbours your phone number.

  • Hand-deliver a bouquet of fresh-cut flowers from your garden.

  • Offer to have the new neighbours’ children over while the moving van is unloading the furniture.

  • Give the new family a list of services and phone numbers in the area. Include emergency services, doctors’ offices, dentists, schools, places that offer take-out, dry cleaners, and whatever else you can think of.

  • Have a block party once a year to get to know all the new neighbours.


If you follow these neighbourly suggestions everyone will feel as though they are living in peace and harmony, feeling like they are surrounded by not only good neighbours but also friends. The neighborhood will be more appealing, and you’ll be more content in your home. An extra benefit is knowing that you and your neighbours will look out for each other and are available for help. If you'd like to know where some of the best neighbourhoods in Niagara are I'd be happy to discuss that with you and help you find the best neighbourhood (and neighbours) for your needs.


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